Wednesday, March 26, 2014

How many lies?

This is a topic that I have previously already discussed with Jo and a few other people. 
It's about lies on Sundays. How many lies do I sing on a Sunday? Or any other day, for that matter, but Sundays are mostly the days when worship songs are sung and when we say things like Christ Is Enough.. which is something that I want to be true, but is it really? Am I like Job? I'm not. I want to be, but I'm not. I want it to be true that if everything, and I mean everything and everyone is taken from me and all I'm left with is my faith in an almighty God and His Son who died for me on the cross and the Holy Spirit who is given to me as the comforter.. will I be able to say it's enough? That this is all I could ever possibly need? 
Everything else is a bonus. Having Christ in my life should be enough and everything and everyone else I have in my life is a gift which I just have to be so grateful for... 

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I think for the last few years I have been struggling with an identity crisis. Well, struggling is the wrong word and also crisis is the wro...