Friday, May 10, 2013


So this is what Liisu as a blogger has always been like - post post post SILENCE ......................... and one more post, saying that I'll post something else soon and then silence. That's just how I roll and there's nothing I can do about it, really. You can't hold this against me. You can't. Well, you can. But don't. Or do, I don't mind. Oh well. 

What has Liisu been thinking about lately (third person, yepyepyep!)...? 

Liisu is happy. I am happy and it's because everything around me is wonderful. The weather is super, the people are super, the events so far have been super and just... Jesus is super. That's news to no one here reading these words (right, Kinna, Jo, Siku and Krissu? :D ).

I also have had some thoughts to scare myself. Because what is life if it isn't at least a little bit scary - and I mean scary in a good way, if that can be possible - scary in the sense that I don't know what life is going to be like, and there's really no way to know what life is going to be like, except if I keep on living and seeing what it's like. I mean next week, I mean the summer, I mean this autumn and I mean the rest of my life. It's scary, isn't it? But still - good scary!

I wish saying "God knows" and "just trust God" would make everything super easy, but I'm still learning how to do that, so that, too, is in the scary part of life. 


I have to go - last day at work, I can't be blogging it away ;)

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I think for the last few years I have been struggling with an identity crisis. Well, struggling is the wrong word and also crisis is the wro...