Thursday, September 26, 2013

Women Of God

This is the post mentioned in the previous post. 

The thing with this.. 'Women Of God' stuff, is that it normally makes me cringe. Any time I hear that there is a service where a woman is preaching, I immediately think 'oh no..'. Because, it seems that when ever they preach, how ever good the message actually is (and it can be very good!!), I feel like I should be on standby with a tissue because they seem to be bursting into tears very very very soon and very suddenly. I could not think of a worse pastime than a women's conference where women tell other women that it's okay to be in charge and take responsibilities. BORK. I'd rather wash our entire apartment building inside and out with my toothbrush. "Let's have a girls only prayer and sharing night." There's always that tone to it, isn't there - let's share our problems and concerns. Shivers down my spine, could we go to a men's only prayer night instead? I can't deal with so many emotions. I'd honestly rather dress up as a man for the rest of my life and go to one of those than endure this gooey candle-lit sharing let's-hold-hands and discuss-our-biggest-problems-as-we-cry-our-eyes-out nights. 


It turns out that women of God are actually absolutely amazing. While I still do not see myself enjoying a women's conference (seriously, been there, bork) and I would choose to listen to male preachers rather than female ones, women are awesome. God's people, no matter the gender, the race, the age, the status, the disability, the what ever, can do amazing things when we want to. The reason why this 'women stuff' bothers me so much, is because it always seems to be set in a tone where women actually feel inferior and it takes a lot of guts for them to organise some God things without men's permission. Like super quietly and timidly and ugh, emotionally, we just gather ourselves together for prayer, not like men. Men announce it from like the radio and all corners of the earth, WE ARE HAVING A "FREE WILLY" / SAUNA / PRAYER NIGHT, EVERYONE COME, UNLESS YOU'RE A WOMAN, BRING BEER!!! Girls are like... well we are having a prayer and sharing night, if everyone could bake something or bring a snack, that would be great. We can do great things and great things might come out of those quiet little evenings, but I think we need to change our attitude towards ourselves. (I couldn't sound more like a feminist if I tried..) Seriously though, what originally inspired this post was Tina who really rallied me to pray with her for her husband to become a Christian. And you know what, I was really fired up, I said OF COURSE and I got straight down to business, I prayed for him and her and I was absolutely positive that he will become a Christian in no time. I am still positive that he can become a Christian, but the original excitement to make sure it happens, is gone somewhere. But soon after Tina asked me to pray, Kinna told me her amazing story about how her and Vicky met that girl and I was like woooooooooowwwwwww that's amazing. And I still think that's amazing. I KNOW that girls, women of God, have been called to do great things, I just think that we too often think we're not good enough. For what ever reason, or, more often, for no reason at all. Let's take pride in the fact that we are women that God is using and let's just let him use us in the ways we know he can. 
I have to start with myself and start believing in my amazing God, but if you think there's anything that's stopping you from healing the sick or getting someone to church, say get lost devil and get cracking. Right? 

By the way - I absolutely don't mind these girls' evenings, actually. Especially with the select bunch that is reading my blog, can't wait for the next one! :) 

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Oh nooooo

So, this thing happened where I had a cool blog post idea and I was really excited about the topic and I even wrote the title and saved the draft and said I will write it very very soon and then.... I didn't ... and now I've lost the excitement over that topic...

So.. to be continued. I will write it, but I have to get excited about it again.



I think for the last few years I have been struggling with an identity crisis. Well, struggling is the wrong word and also crisis is the wro...