I have walked past it probably close to a million times.
The first few times I saw it, I thought that it was quite offensive.
Then I saw it as a bit funny.
Today was the first time when I looked at it and thought... hey, this is actually quite truthful. And that made me sad. Also, it made me climb back down some stairs to take this picture.
But isn't this true... God is reaching down, trying and wanting, longing even, to get in contact with His children. Us. And all most of us do is flip Him the finger and say 'Get lost, God, I got this...'
When I thought about this, I was initially grateful that I'm not one of those finger flippers.
Then I thought... Maybe that's exactly what I am. Perhaps even worse... maybe I'm the "teaser". I stretch out my hand and right before I get close enough to almost touch, I pull back and tell God to get lost and mind His own business.
That's... dumb.
To be somebody is longing for God
-above everything else
Longing for God is not longing for an experience
It is longing for a true relationship
It is not about having some knowledge of God
But it is about knowing him
-as a person
-as a friend
-as a confidant
-as a companion
Not to become high on him
But to be conformed to his image
Not to learn more, to increase knowledge
But to love him more
I am somebody when I realise
-I am created to be a God-lover
I am somebody when the very purpose of my life
-is to love God
I am somebody when I am longing for God
-only because of love.
Ah, I don't know... this is one of those times when I have a thought... and when I try to write it down, it becomes a confusing pile of... shtuff.
That's all.